The 10 Best Photos of Birthday Boy Truman

Today is 33rd President Harry Truman's birthday!!! Since we don't currently offer any Reelect Truman shirts, here are some of our favorite photos of Harry.. Enjoy!
Truman in his World War I uniform.
Bowling at the new White House bowling alley, which was gifted to him for his birthday.
Serenading actress Lauren Bacall.
With Stalin and Churchill.
That time the news got the winner of the presidency wrong..
He be jammin'.
Serious faces with his successor, General Dwight Eisenhower.
Hanging with FDR's wifey and our favorite lady ever, Eleanor Roosevelt.
Mona Lisa Smile ain't got nothing on Harry Truman Smile.
A little peace and quiet. Truman in retirement with his wife, Bess Wallace.
And that wraps it up, folks! Happy Birthday to Truman!!